Starting to weed the garden and plant stuff in the polytunnel. Much to our amazement the kiwi fruit is flourishing, and actually has lots of buds on. When we planted it we didn't know that it was a climber as I assumed it was more of a bush. The grape vine, which I thought had died, is now sprouting lots of leaves. Gardening is so full of suprises, isn't it? Soon it will be veggie planting outside, but until then we still have room for more seeds to go into the p.tunnel. One of the seeds we bought and not tried before are Rainbow Beetroot, you can eat them raw when they are small and all of its edible. Worth a go, eh.
These past few weeks I have been making my 'Mermaid Spoons' this one along with a few others, will be going into an art exhibition that we have every year up here.
This one is called 'Bridal Mermaid Spoons', which has lace on the back, something a bit different I think which would make a nice pressie for a bride.
Unfortunately the photo can't pick up the textures and the lace pattern properly, but it is very pretty in real life.
These are only found in special parts of Scottish Beaches. The actual spot is a closely guarded secret! haha
Hope you like them, they are my own idea so please, don't copy.
Archie, just back from the groomer.....he wont last long looking all smart.....back to his usual scruffy self within an hour!
This weeks linky parties are;