Friday, 22 October 2010

Sockies Galore

A cupboard full of monkeys! Some of which are in my Etsy shop.

 Two of the shelves have the girls and the bottom shelf has the boys.

I actually got the wadding for my quilt today so next week hope to crack on with it. This bit is going into the unknown I have to say, so, will take a deep breath and hope it goes OK and not to much unpicking!


  1. What a lovely cupboard full of cheeky monkeys! I like the blue one down on the bottom shelf, but then I would wouldn't I?! ;-)

  2. Your blog is fantastic. I am really enjoying browsing around. Brilliant viewing to anyone who loves hand made things.
    Sharon xx

  3. I have said it before and I will say it again they are brilliant and I love them, especially all together, do they have a collective name!? I also loved the poppy paintings you are very talented...Tx

  4. I think a collective name for monkey's (or is it monkies?) is a troup. Mine are just the 'gang'!
